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COVID-19 Protocol

April 2022 update

LIBRARY HOURS :   The library is back to normal opening hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2-4pm;  Friday 2-6pm and Saturday 10am-12noon.     The second hand book shop is back in operation as is the hiring of jigsaw puzzles.   Hand sanitizer, at the counter on entry,  is available for those who wish to take advantage of it.

Bingo is back on every alternate week but on a Monday instead of a Wednesday, thus giving the premises over to the bingo players only - no lending/returning library open.

December 2020 Update

LIBRARY RE-OPENING: The library is re-opening on Friday 4th December. Please use the front automated doors to enter and please check there is no-one exiting before you come in. To adhere to social distancing there will be five visitors allowed in the main library at any time and one family in the children's area. There will be increased hygiene and cleaning routines, returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before being put back on the shelves and the same process will apply to any books browsed but not taken out. To facilitate this quarantine period the library will open for two days a week; Tuesday and Friday between 2pm and 4pm. The book shop will be open but no library activities (such as Knit & Natter and EmbarrasSING) will be reassuming yet and no refreshments will be served. You will need to wear a face covering whilst visiting the library, we have a supply of disposable masks and also plenty of hand santizer for you to use. 

November 2020 Update

LIBRARY CLOSURE: Following the government announcement of further restrictions Kegworth Community Library will not be open from Thursday 5th November. It is our intention, at this stage, to re-open on Friday 6th December 2020. Best wishes and keep safe, Trustees of KCL.


September 2020 Update

The library continues to operate under the restrictions necessitated by the current situation but we have to temporarily abandon our one way system owing to the instability of the tree overhanging the side path to the rear door. Please use the front automated door to enter and please check there is no-one exiting before you come in. To adhere to social distancing there will be five visitors allowed in the main library at any time and one family in the children's area. There will be increased hygiene and cleaning routines, returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before being put back on the shelves and the same process will apply to any books browsed but not taken out. To facilitate this quarantine period the library will only open for two days a week, Tuesday and Friday between 2pm and 4pm. The book shop will be open but no other library activities such as Knit and Natter and EmbarasSING will be resuming and no refreshments served. You will need to wear a face covering whilst visiting the library, we have a supply of disposable masks and also plenty of hand sanitiser for you to use. 

July 2020

The library will begin a limited re-opening on Tuesday 7 July at 2pm with a few changes necessitated by the current situation.  There will be a one-way system in operation with library visitors entering through the BACK (fire) door and exiting by the front door.  To adhere to social distancing there will be five visitors allowed in the main library at any time and one family in the children’s area. There will be increased hygiene and cleaning routines, returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before being put back on the shelves and the same process will apply to any books browsed but not taken out.  To facilitate this quarantine period the library will only open for two days a week, Tuesday and Friday between 2pm and 4pm.  The book shop will be open but no library activities, such as Knit and Natter and EmbarrasSING, will be resuming yet and no refreshments served.  The library will be a near cashless operation with no library charges and the payment for any books from the shop to be put into the donations box.

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